Exhaust Gas Filtration is a highly efficient method of filtration which involves the use of various filter bags to capture solid particles from gas streams. These particles can include dust, soot, fumes, and other harmful contaminants generated during industrial processes. By removing these pollutants effectively, exhaust gas filtration products help ensure compliance with stringent environmental regulations and help maintain sustainable manufacturing practices for the future.
Solaft’s extensive range of Exhaust Gas Filtration products stretch across sectors such as Aluminium, Alumina, Energy, Steel, and more. Solaft products can treat gas streams up to 280 °C and deliver emission outcomes as low as 2 mg / m3.
Explore our range today.
6 Chivers Road, Somersby NSW 2250
+ 1300 058 194
Technical Services
Shed D, 16-18 Chapple St., Gladstone, QLD 4680
+ 1300 058 194
Sales Office & Operation
Rodovia Augusto Hasse 740 Benedito, Indaial-SC. 89084–440
+55 47 3380 5060
Sales Office & Operation
江苏省张家港市经济技术开发区塘市东南大道中2号 邮编 215618
No.2, Middle of Dongnan Road, Tanghsi Town, Economic & Technological Development Zone, Zhangjiagang City, Jiangsu, PRC 215618
(电话): +86 512 5699 1529
Factory No1, Warehouse, Zhongde Small & Medium Industrial Park, Lianyungang ETDZ, Jiangsu, PRC 222000
(电话): +86 518 8951 6126
+ 1300 058 194
Sales Office & Operation
Ground floor 13-18,Jayraj Textile park, Village -Mahuvej, Taluka-Mangrol, Pin -394125
+91 7665009640
+ 1300 058 194
Sales Office & Operation
3101 W Market St, Ste 109 – 600, Johnson City, TN 37604, United States
+1 228-338-2216
FAX +1 423-228-8953
6 Chivers Road, Somersby NSW 2250
+ 1300 058 194
Technical Services
Shed D, 16-18 Chapple St., Gladstone, QLD 4680
+ 1300 058 194
Sales Office & Operation
Rodovia Augusto Hasse 740 Benedito, Indaial-SC. 89084–440
+55 47 3380 5060
Sales Office & Operation
江苏省张家港市经济技术开发区塘市东南大道中2号 邮编 215618
No.2, Middle of Dongnan Road, Tanghsi Town, Economic & Technological Development Zone, Zhangjiagang City, Jiangsu, PRC 215618
(电话): +86 512 5699 1529
Factory No1, Warehouse, Zhongde Small & Medium Industrial Park, Lianyungang ETDZ, Jiangsu, PRC 222000
(电话): +86 518 8951 6126
+ 1300 058 194
Sales Office & Operation
Ground floor 13-18,Jayraj Textile park, Village -Mahuvej, Taluka-Mangrol, Pin -394125
+91 7665009640
+ 1300 058 194
Sales Office & Operation
3101 W Market St, Ste 109 – 600, Johnson City, TN 37604, United States
+1 228-338-2216
FAX +1 423-228-8953