Welcome to Solaft’s resources page, featuring tools to help with operating calculations.
We understand first-hand the ongoing need to produce technical calculations for your applications. Irrespective of your industry, our operational calculators and conversion tables are designed to optimise your day-to-day process and enhance your efficiency. From determining optimal flow rates and sizing filters to assessing pressure drop and selecting the right media, our calculators empower you to make informed decisions in real-time.
Simplify your operations, save time and use the tools the experts use.
1 – Polypropylene is attacked by UV light, and will dimensionally deform under unsupported load over 82ºC.
2 – Polyester is OK between pH 2 to 10 if pH neutral wash employed.
3 – PPS is attacked by strong oxidising agents (O2,NOx, Br2) – the presence of which, lower its recommended operating temperature.
4 – P84 is attacked by SOx in power station applications.
5 – PTFE will elongate under load at elevated temperature.
Disclaimer: These are provided for general informational purposes only. While we strive for accuracy, we cannot guarantee the correctness of the results. Please consult with a qualified professional before making any financial decisions based on these calculations. Solaft is not liable for any losses or damages resulting from the use of these calculators.
6 Chivers Road, Somersby NSW 2250
+ 1300 058 194
Technical Services
Shed D, 16-18 Chapple St., Gladstone, QLD 4680
+ 1300 058 194
Sales Office & Operation
Rodovia Augusto Hasse 740 Benedito, Indaial-SC. 89084–440
+55 47 3380 5060
Sales Office & Operation
江苏省张家港市经济技术开发区塘市东南大道中2号 邮编 215618
No.2, Middle of Dongnan Road, Tanghsi Town, Economic & Technological Development Zone, Zhangjiagang City, Jiangsu, PRC 215618
(电话): +86 512 5699 1529
Factory No1, Warehouse, Zhongde Small & Medium Industrial Park, Lianyungang ETDZ, Jiangsu, PRC 222000
(电话): +86 518 8951 6126
+ 1300 058 194
Sales Office & Operation
Ground floor 13-18,Jayraj Textile park, Village -Mahuvej, Taluka-Mangrol, Pin -394125
+91 7665009640
+ 1300 058 194
Sales Office & Operation
3101 W Market St, Ste 109 – 600, Johnson City, TN 37604, United States
+1 228-338-2216
FAX +1 423-228-8953
6 Chivers Road, Somersby NSW 2250
+ 1300 058 194
Technical Services
Shed D, 16-18 Chapple St., Gladstone, QLD 4680
+ 1300 058 194
Sales Office & Operation
Rodovia Augusto Hasse 740 Benedito, Indaial-SC. 89084–440
+55 47 3380 5060
Sales Office & Operation
江苏省张家港市经济技术开发区塘市东南大道中2号 邮编 215618
No.2, Middle of Dongnan Road, Tanghsi Town, Economic & Technological Development Zone, Zhangjiagang City, Jiangsu, PRC 215618
(电话): +86 512 5699 1529
Factory No1, Warehouse, Zhongde Small & Medium Industrial Park, Lianyungang ETDZ, Jiangsu, PRC 222000
(电话): +86 518 8951 6126
+ 1300 058 194
Sales Office & Operation
Ground floor 13-18,Jayraj Textile park, Village -Mahuvej, Taluka-Mangrol, Pin -394125
+91 7665009640
+ 1300 058 194
Sales Office & Operation
3101 W Market St, Ste 109 – 600, Johnson City, TN 37604, United States
+1 228-338-2216
FAX +1 423-228-8953