Solaft’s PrimaTherm products represent a new generation of high temperature filter media designed for specific applications.
PrimaTherm media use a proprietary blend of bi-lobal, multilobal and electret fibres in polymers that are resistant to high temperature operation and provide lower emission outcomes.
When used in conjunction with Solaft’s PrimaFlow™ Solutions, PrimaTherm provides a unique blend of high filtration efficiency combined with high gas temperature resistance, whilst increasing the capacity of your baghouse.
Customisable to the end use application
6 Chivers Road, Somersby NSW 2250
+ 1300 058 194
Technical Services
Shed D, 16-18 Chapple St., Gladstone, QLD 4680
+ 1300 058 194
Sales Office & Operation
Rodovia Augusto Hasse 740 Benedito, Indaial-SC. 89084–440
+55 47 3380 5060
Sales Office & Operation
江苏省张家港市经济技术开发区塘市东南大道中2号 邮编 215618
No.2, Middle of Dongnan Road, Tanghsi Town, Economic & Technological Development Zone, Zhangjiagang City, Jiangsu, PRC 215618
(电话): +86 512 5699 1529
Factory No1, Warehouse, Zhongde Small & Medium Industrial Park, Lianyungang ETDZ, Jiangsu, PRC 222000
(电话): +86 518 8951 6126
+ 1300 058 194
Sales Office & Operation
Ground floor 13-18,Jayraj Textile park, Village -Mahuvej, Taluka-Mangrol, Pin -394125
+91 7665009640
+ 1300 058 194
Sales Office & Operation
3101 W Market St, Ste 109 – 600, Johnson City, TN 37604, United States
+1 228-338-2216
FAX +1 423-228-8953
6 Chivers Road, Somersby NSW 2250
+ 1300 058 194
Technical Services
Shed D, 16-18 Chapple St., Gladstone, QLD 4680
+ 1300 058 194
Sales Office & Operation
Rodovia Augusto Hasse 740 Benedito, Indaial-SC. 89084–440
+55 47 3380 5060
Sales Office & Operation
江苏省张家港市经济技术开发区塘市东南大道中2号 邮编 215618
No.2, Middle of Dongnan Road, Tanghsi Town, Economic & Technological Development Zone, Zhangjiagang City, Jiangsu, PRC 215618
(电话): +86 512 5699 1529
Factory No1, Warehouse, Zhongde Small & Medium Industrial Park, Lianyungang ETDZ, Jiangsu, PRC 222000
(电话): +86 518 8951 6126
+ 1300 058 194
Sales Office & Operation
Ground floor 13-18,Jayraj Textile park, Village -Mahuvej, Taluka-Mangrol, Pin -394125
+91 7665009640
+ 1300 058 194
Sales Office & Operation
3101 W Market St, Ste 109 – 600, Johnson City, TN 37604, United States
+1 228-338-2216
FAX +1 423-228-8953